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51st NCBFAA Annual Conference

Fort Lauderdale Marriott
Harbor Beach Resort & Spa

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United States Census Bureau

Booth 502


The U.S. Census Bureau is responsible for collecting, compiling, and publishing the monthly trade statistics on all goods imported and exported from the United States. How can this information help you? The U.S. Census Bureau provides detailed information on over 9,000 export commodities and 18,000 import commodities. This information can assist you in making informed decisions by tracking the global marketplace for your product and identifying possible opportunities to expand to new markets. The U.S. Census Bureau provides valuable resources and training on utilizing trade data, understanding the Foreign Trade Regulations and using the Automated Export System. Please stop by and let us know how we can help you.



Gerard (Gerry) Horner

14th & Penn. Ave., NW, Room 1099D

Washington, DC 20230

(301) 763-6635