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NEI Webinar: Seafood Import

NEI approved for 1 CCS/MCS credit.

Entering or expanding your work in seafood imports? This webinar will walk through programs you need to know and how to minimize errors in the entry filing process. Celeste Leroux will review the scope, purpose, history and current state of a suite of regulations and executive actions that impact the majority of seafood imports to the United States:

  • Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIM)
  • Tuna Tracking and Verification Program (370)
  • Certificate of Admissibility (COA)
  • Antarctic Living Marine Resources Program (AMR)
  • Atlantic Highly Migratory Species International Trade Program (HMS)
  • Section 609 (OMC)
  • Executive Order 14114 on Russian-origin imports
  • Withhold Release Orders and Findings
  • Specially Designated Nationals