NCBFAA has both Principal and Regular Standing Committees which are tasked with analyzing and acting upon internal matters involving operations of the association and external actions related to legislation and regulations that shape the day-to-day operations of the industry.
Learn more about committee activities and access toolkits and other resources!
The NCBFAA President appoints the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the Board, to lead these Committees. Each Committee consists of nine voting members appointed from each of the nine designated geographical areas. Only one individual from a member firm shall be appointed or serve in a voting capacity on any single Principal Standing Committee. The three Principal Standing Committees--Custom Committee, Nominating Committee, and Transportation Committee--may consist of topic-specific subcommittees. The Regular-Standing Committees include the Annual Conference, Budget and Finance, Membership, and Regulatory Agencies committees.
I have been asked to remind all of you in attendance that various state and federal laws prohibit the exchange of information among competitors regarding matters pertaining to price, refusals to deal, market division, tying relationships and other topics which might infringe upon antitrust regulations, and that no such exchange or discussion will be tolerated during this meeting. These guidelines apply not only to the formal meeting sessions, but to informal discussions during breaks, meals or social gatherings. Thank you for your cooperation.
We invite Regular Members to become involved and apply their skills and talents to better serve our industry!
Represents the Ocean Transportation Intermediary (OTI), Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) and Independent Air Carrier (IAC) member interests for all transportation modes and compliance matters. The Committee formulates strategic plans, working with NCBFAA outside counsel, to represent the members’ interests in front of the Federal Maritime Commission and other various government agencies and Congress that have regulatory oversight and legislative impact on the industry.
Kim Calicott, ChairASHLEY CRAIG, COMMITTEE COUNSEL Charter: At its 2011 Annual Meeting, the NCBFAA membership approved a change to the NCBFAA By-laws that combined the responsibilities of the Freight Forwarding Committee, the Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier ("NVOCC") Committee and the Freight Forwarding Committee, Subcommittee on Airfreight into a new Principal Standing Committee, the Transportation Committee.
Our work with FMC and other Government Agencies:
The Customs Committee is responsible for recommending policy and strategy to the Board of Directors pertaining to Customs Business, automation, ACE, entry, the right to make entry, 21CCF, 111, DHS policy, homeland security, drawback and other initiatives that impact the brokerage industry as undertaken by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Sandra Langford-CoTy, ChairRALPH De La ROSA, VICE CHAIR LENNY FELDMAN, COMMITTEE COUNSELCharter: Responsible for recommending policy and strategy to the Board of Directors with regard to customs brokerage issues coming before the association. Provides direct linkage to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection on many programs of special interest. Those members listed as representing specific NCBFAA Areas are the nine voting members of the Committee; all others are non-voting, subject matter experts who assist the Committee in its deliberations.
Our work with CBP:
The Regulatory Agencies Committee (RAC) serves as the link between NCBFAA and the Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) – those agencies with regulatory authority over imports and exports. Founded in 2007, the RAC has evolved from a committee primarily focused on the Food and Drug Administration to a committee with a broader mission encompassing all the PGAs that touch upon imports. With most PGAs now participating in ACE, compliance with the regulatory agencies’ import requirements has become an increasingly complex and demanding part of every customs broker’s job.
Mike Lahar, ChairADAM LEES, VICE CHAIR CINDY THOMAS, COMMITTEE COUNSEL Charter: The Regulatory Agencies Committee (RAC) serves as the link between NCBFAA and the Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) – those agencies with regulatory authority over imports. Founded in 2007, the RAC has evolved from a committee primarily focused on the Food and Drug Administration to a committee with a broader mission encompassing all the PGAs that touch upon imports. With most PGAs now participating in ACE, compliance with the regulatory agencies’ import requirements has become an increasingly complex and demanding part of every customs broker’s job.
Charter: The Regulatory Agencies Committee (RAC) serves as the link between NCBFAA and the Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) – those agencies with regulatory authority over imports. Founded in 2007, the RAC has evolved from a committee primarily focused on the Food and Drug Administration to a committee with a broader mission encompassing all the PGAs that touch upon imports. With most PGAs now participating in ACE, compliance with the regulatory agencies’ import requirements has become an increasingly complex and demanding part of every customs broker’s job.
Our work with USDA, APHIS, AMS:
Our work with FDA:
Our work with EPA:
Other work:
Charter: The NCBFAA Nominating Committee is a select group of NCBFAA members charged with identifying nominees for election to the NCBFAA Board. The roles and responsibilities of the Nomination Committee is a part of the corporate governance. The committee is responsible for evaluating and recommending the candidates for the NCBFAA Board of Directors. The committee also scrutinizes the skills and characteristics required for becoming a board candidate.
Affiliate Presidents Network (Chair Amy Slavco, Vice Chair Merit Tremper-Pardo)Annual Conference Committee (Chair Steven Powell)Bylaws Committee (Chair Lee Hardeman)Drawback Committee (Chair Michael Cerny)FIATA Delegates (Shane Garcia, Len James)Government Affairs Conference Committee (Chair Eduardo Acosta, Co-Chair Steven Powell)FCBA Representative & International Committee Victoria LaneLegislative Committee (Chair Leah Ellis, Co-Chair Steven Powell)Membership Committee (Chair Michelle Francis)NEI Committee (Co-Chair Thayne Worsley, Co-Chair Carie Samuel) PAC Committee (Chair Jenette Prince)Scholarship Committee (Chair Joe Trulik)Social Media Chair (Lori Mullins)
The Transportation Committee (Chair Kim Calicott/Vice Chair Rich Roche)includes the following Subcommittees:
The Customs Committee (Chair Sandy Langford-Coty/Vice Chair Ralph De La Rosa)includes the following:
The Regulatory Agencies Committee (RAC) (Chair Mike Lahar/Vice Chair Adam Lees)includes the following:
13 June, 2023, 2 PM-3 PM
Koverly 6/13 1 – 2pm ET
Think Inside the Box: Turnkey Solutions for Unlocking a Shipload of Extra Profit:
*Committee and BOD meetings are only open to Regular members